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Queen's Hall Theatre Club
Wyrd Sisters
Graham Lindup
December 2015
Thunder clashed, wind howled, it was indeed a blasted heath. And then the Wyrd Sisters finally answered that eternal question ‘when shall we three meet again?
Terry Pratchett takes Shakespeare’s Macbeth and then turns it up ’till the knob comes off. It’s all there – a wicked duke and duchess, the ghost of the murdered king, dim soldiers, strolling players, a land in peril. And who stands between the Kingdom and destruction? Three witches. Granny Weatherwax (intolerant, self-opinionated, powerful), Nanny Ogg (down-to-earth, vulgar) and Magrat Garlick (naïve, fond of occult jewellery and bunnies).
Behind The Scenes:
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